Not directly related to passive income, but an important topic for happiness in life is HEALTH.
Rebecca and I just got back from a 4-day Peak Potentials (T. Harv Eker's company) training called Extreme Health. Although there were some speakers that I would categorize as "fruity", there weren't as many as I expected.
Let me clarify that by "fruity" I don't just mean non-Western medicine, I mean the people that want you to go inside your mind to heal yourself or manipulate you to allow your soul to "breathe again". They might work; I am simply very skeptical about these types of healing.
My wife is an MD specializing in Emergency Medicine, and even she really enjoyed the conference.
In terms of specific strategies for improving your health, we looked for several things from the speakers: 1) How healthy did they look overall?, 2) How did they look for their age?, and 3) Was it a program that Harv himself used?
There were four things we bought while there:
1) Raw food - David Wolfe presented on this subject, and his passion and vibrancy really came through. We especially liked his philosophy of just adding some raw foods to your current diet.
2) Mercury test kits - An MD presented on the multitude of ways mercury can affect the body - mainly neurological, but also general fatigue and other very serious diseases. Amalgam fillings is the most common cause. More info at; check out the video on mercury and live nerves. We highly recommend at least getting tested for this.
3) Gene SNP - They test for 36 common mutations in DNA that can cause susceptibility to certain diseases if you don't get the right nutrients. In other words, it is a test that allows you to know what levels of nutrients are critical for you to get in order to help avoid diseases you are prone to. based upon genetics as well as your diet and lifestyle (from a questionnaire).
Rebecca majored in genetics in undergrad, so we had to get this done. The test is much cheaper than from other places - I suspect because they also provide optional supplements that are tailored to your results. I don't really plan on using their supplements, but I certainly want to know my susceptibilites and that I am getting enough nutrients. More info at If you have trouble getting info, you might also contact Suzanne Stradley at 503-661-5050 or
4) The "Cellercizer" - named not because you have to exercise in the cellar (or will quickly put this there) but because it exercises all of the cells of your body. Rebecca and I were most excited about this one (and are eagerly awaiting its arrival!), so I will give a little more detail:
I first recommend you go to the website and check out the information because I am not going to be able to convey the benefits as well as the guy who developed it.Click here for more info
It looks like a trampoline but has some important design features that I (as a former engineer) appreciate. He also had a number of testimonials that say his presentation and went out and bought something cheaper before not being able to do some of the exercises (or even hurting themselves when something broke) and ultimately bought a "Cellercizer".
The balance benefits are amazing - he did a great demonstration of this by forcing people (even a yoga instructor) to lose their balance, then not being able to after just 30-60 seconds of bouncing.
Not to mention the strength and flexibility that he can demostrate superior to yoga teachers, and the "Cellercizer" is his only exercise.
He also is incredbly strong (and ripped), but not a big as a bodybuilder by any stretch. he builds all of his muscle just on the "Cellercizer" - no weights at all.
The muscle he has built is also very "soft" - let me try to explain: When building muscle, we typically rip muscle fibers and rebuild them larger, creating a little scar tissue (which is relatively hard) in the process. "Cellercizing" works the body without ripping the muscle fibers, building muscle without the scar tissue.
Again, you can't compete as a bodybuilder just doing this, but I think most people (guys at least) would love to be as muscular as he was.
You can do cardiovascular work very quickly: 2-10 minutes of intense exercise is more effective at fat-burning than a 45-60 minute workout in most cases. (This was mentioned by several of the presenters over the 4 days).
Finally, pretty much anybody can use it. Even people in wheelchairs or walkers can start to use it and often regain mobility by rebuilding muscle, improving circulation, etc.
Moral of the story: If you want to be more fit, this is a great tool to try out - less time, more fun, and better results! (30-day money back guarantee of course)
More Cellercizer info here